Making Pickles

We have a sort of son named Ben We've known him since he was in middle school with our youngest son and he even lived with us while he was in law school. Ben really likes it out here. He comes down from Oklahoma City and picks blackberries with us. He loves cooking out and sitting around the bonfire. Ben loves pickles.

Our cucumber crop has been a little spotty, but we finally have enough to make a few jars of pickles and there will be more next weekend. Kathy likes the big pickle barrel size pickles, I like the small crunchy pickles and Ben just loves pickles. I let some of our cucumbers get big and picked some small. Our okra is starting to bear, so I picked some of those to toss in.

Ben came down and brought jars and the other ingredients we would need. Here is Ben's recipe.

Ben's Spicy Garlic Refrigerator Dill Pickles

4 quart-size large-mouth jars
4 quarts worth of cucumbers

For brine:

1 cup apple cider vinegar
1 cup white vinegar
1 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes
1 tsp. dry mustard powder
1 tsp. turmeric or curry powder
1 Tbsp. garlic powder
1/4 cup sea salt or canning salt
1/8 cup sugar
1 large sprig of fresh dill
8 cups water

Prepare jars:

1 bulb of fresh garlic per jar, separated and peeled
2 sprigs of fresh dill, in pieces with stems

Prepare brine:

Put both cups of vinegar and two cups water into an eight quart non-reactive (stainless steel) pot. Add the mustard, turmeric, garlic powder, red pepper flakes, salt and sugar. Mix well and bring to a boil. Add the dill. Let boil for about 1 minute. Add the remaining water and bring back to a boil, stirring to make sure all ingredients are combined. Let boil for 1 more minute and turn off the heat.

Wash cucumbers in cold water. Slice, cut lengthwise into spears or leave whole. Pack cucumbers tightly into jars making sure to leave about 3/4" of space at the top. Carefully fill each jar with brine, making sure to leave about 1/2" of space at the top of each jar. Seal each jar, place into the refrigerator. Wait at least two weeks. Enjoy.

Cukes, washed and ready for pickling.

Okra and green beans make good pickles too.

Sliced cucumbers gain a more intense flavor from the brine.

Ben really likes garlic. The cloves will be nicely pickled in a couple of weeks.

Nests of garlic.

The brine, ready for the jars.

Jars sealed and ready for the fridge.


All photos are copyright 2017, Stephen P. Scott
