Homestead Update

It's been a stressful week. We've been trying to get ready for the first frost. I had to harvest the last of the peppers and tomatoes. They were still green, but the cold would damage them beyond any usefulness. I made a last minute decision to dig up my jalapeno plant from the garden and pot it up for the winter. Some peppers are perennials, jalapenos being among them.

My jalapeno plant back in June.

I had to upgrade my extension cord for the greenhouse to a heavier gauge. The voltage drop was too much with the old setup. I have to be able to run a heater, but I also need to run a fan to stir the air, or the greenhouse will have cold spots, corners and such. In December I plan to upgrade again to an even heavier cord, just so I minimize cord resistance to ensure safe operation of my heater and fan.

We've discovered a couple of roof leaks in the house. I've been up on the roof tarring around roof vents and sealing low spots that may collect water like a funnel into the ceiling. 

These are views of the front meadow from last winter. It won't be long now.

