Garden Update

Things are changing in the garden almost too fast to document. I took photos of my pepper plants a few days ago, but today I discovered an Anaheim pepper hiding in the shadows.

I planned to write a post about pruning cucumbers. While I was pruning I found a nice little cuke that should be ready to pick by the weekend.

The daytime temperatures warmed up early and my radishes started to bolt. I decided to leave them so their blue flowers will attract pollinators and other beneficial insects. Next year I'll plant my radishes a month earlier.

We're skipping store-bought onions for most things and using freshly pulled scallions instead. I could use another acre or so of land for planting onions. We go through a lot of onions.

My Roma tomato plants are weighted down with green fruit. Romas are determinate and will only grow three to five feet tall and put on and ripen most of their tomatoes all at once. The rest of my tomato varieties are also putting on blooms and fruit at an amazing rate. Waiting for them to ripen is the hard part from here on out.

